I survived! What a day! It was probably the most difficult
riding I had ever done! The tummy bug had me awake all night and then I got up
just after 5am to start packing and loading. Feeling tired and drained, the
next 500-odd kms lying ahead seemed a bit much. Once again I got away later
than intended (what’s new?!?). I took
the coastal road from East London to the Pedi
turn-off and then made for the N2 via Grahams town. What a lovely ride that
was?! A quiet road I shared only with some cattle and goats. The N2 was also
surprisingly quiet compared to the very busy, truck-laden coastal road. I
refilled in Grahams town – what a lot of lovely churches – probably more than
in any other town in SA!

After PE I took the small detour via the pretty Gamtoos River, but hit the N2 once I reached
Jeffreysbay, not wanting to drag out the riding for too long. Since my stops
were taking a lot of time, it was getting petty late. The Bloukrans and
Grootrivier passes were both closed down and I was disappointed I missed out on
that – I was sure some special scenery would have taken my mind off my fatigue!

Tomorrow is a short day and I thought of doing some of the
beautiful passes in the area. If I don’t feel up to it, I will just take a
relaxing ride into Knysna and not do much. I sleep in Wilderness with a friend,
also a beautiful place. She said we will have a relaxing evening and she will
rustle up something to eat at home – I hope I am up for some eating by then!
Hi my Kind.
ReplyDeleteWonder wat makeer? Jy moet defnitief môre 'n Dr gaan sien as jy nie beter is nie, jy kan ERNSTIG dihidreer, al drink jy 'n klomp water en jou niere heel laat oppak. Baie jammer vir jou. Dit gee my hoendervleis as jy ry onder sulke omstandighede, swak sig, moeg, siek ens!!!
Die ander ouens dink seker jou pa is 'n fuss-pot, maar ons is mos lief vir jou...al is jy so 'n cowboy!
Gedra die fiets hom nog? Jou fotos is pragtig.
Mooi ry.
Ja, ek sal daai dinge dophou, wil nie op die einde van hierdie ervaring iets oorkom nie! Dankie vir die bekommerd wees!
ReplyDeleteFiets gedra hom nogal baie goed - hy is al deur baie gesit en gaan net geduldig aan! Trots op hom!
hey, jinxi. very concerned about your illness. you gotta take care of yourself, ok? only a couple more days then you're home. please look after yourself. as usual, beautiful photos. be safe, girl....
ReplyDeleteThanks for the concern. All turned out well in the end. Thanks re the pics...